Crib Giveaway in Tulsa

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.’s first lady and Silhouette Geraldine Battles delivers free portable cribs to Tulsa families in need

As national spokesperson for the GISS Center’s campaign, Changing a Tradition, Changing a Position, Silhouette Geraldine Battles was on hand to giveaway cribs and deliver the message of infant safe sleep in Tulsa, Oklahoma on March 31 at the Tulsa Healthy Start Program and at a local women’s shelter.
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The fraternity, partnering with the GISS Center, believes that it’s the responsibility of fathers and other men, not just women, to keep babies safe while sleeping and help them reach their first birthday. As part of a national campaign, “Changing a Tradition, Changing a Position,” the goal is to share the messages of safe sleep practices with mothers-to-be, new mothers, fathers, grandparents, babysitters – anyone who may care for a baby – and encourage them to place the baby on their back (not their stomach) and in their own beds (not with a parent or caregiver, or on a sofa or soft mattress.)
“Too many babies are dying,” said Battles. “There are protective measures parents and caregivers can take to reduce the risk of this happening to their baby and we want to get that message out here in Tulsa and across to the nation.”